Our Programs

Connect With Others

Our members are encouraged to participate in volunteer-managed clubs & activities. These provide valuable opportunities for recreation and networking. Our age-specific programs let children and adults (who happen to have Down syndrome!) meet their peers and connect through social and learning activities. Our family-support programs let mothers & fathers come together to share insight and experiences.

Lil' Buddies

Parent-driven playgroups for our youngsters. Ages 0-6.

Best Buds

A club for kids to learn social problem solving and have fun. Ages 6-12.

Cool Club

A safe environment for teens to develop trusting friendships. Ages 13-17.

Adults in Motion

A fun social group for adults with Down syndrome. Ages 18+.

MOMS Night Out

Fellowship for mothers of individuals with Down syndrome.


Camaraderie for fathers of individuals with Down syndrome.


Meet Our Volunteers

Tove Bracilano

Lil' Buddies Lead

Kelsey Nelson

Best Buds Lead

Stacey Mullis

Cool Club Lead

Baylee Auger

AIM Lead

Julie McConnel


Scott Gluch